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ESAB OK NiFe, a nickel-iron-cored electrode for joining normal grades of cast iron, such as grey, ductile and malleable irons. It is also suitable for the rectification and repair of these grades and for joining them to steel. Deposition is performed on cold or slightly preheated cast iron. The weld metal is stronger and more resistant to impurities than the nickel-cored type.


OK NiFe has a special iron jacketed Ni core wire that gives the electrode much improved current carrying capacity compared to electrodes with a homogeneous core wire. The electrode prodces a weld metal stronger and more resistant to solidifaction cracking than the pure nickel electrode types. 

OK NiFe-Cl-A 92.58 3.2mm Electrodes (CASTMAT)

SKU: TR25-92583230L0
Excluding VAT
  • Typical Tensile Properties

    Elongation Shielding Gas Tensile Strength Yield Strength
    >15 % ISO 560 MPa 380 MPa

    Deposition Data


    Classifications SFA/AWS A5.15 : ENiFe-CI
    EN ISO 1071 : E C NiFe-1 3

    Consumable Characteristics

    Alloy Type Ni-Fe alloy
    Coating Type Basic Special high graphite
    Welding Current AC, DC+

    Typical Weld Metal Analysis %

    Typical Weld Metal

    Analysis %

    Al C Cu Fe Mn Ni Si
    0.4 % 0.9 % 0.9 % 44 % 0.6 % 53 % 0.5 %

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