In the bustling world of welding, safety is paramount. Welding fumes can pose serious health risks, but fear not; there are effective solutions to ensure a safer work environment for all.
Fume can have an impact on the health of your workforce. Breathing in fumes can cause health issues that can occur quickly or take years to develop, including:
Occupational Asthma
Metal Fume Fever
Temporarily reduced lung function
The HSE has already announced the health risks that fumes can have. Read more here.
Here are five welding fume extraction solutions that welding businesses can implement to safeguard their workforce:

Mobile Fume Extractors Portable fume extractors are the go-to choice for welding on the go. These mobile devices can be easily moved to wherever welding is taking place, making them versatile and efficient in capturing fumes at the source.
Mobile suction units from KEMPER are used for welding fume extraction and, depending on the model, are suitable for occasional to permanent use. Mobile suction units are particularly flexible due to their high mobility and an operating radius of 360 degrees and contain disposable filters from 13 m² to 42 m² or cleanable filters as required. KEMPER offers the ideal solution for every changing workplace. Thanks to the W3 approval, our extraction units are also suitable for the welding of chrome-nickel steel.

Stationary Filters When dealing with multiple welding stations, stationary filters come to the rescue. These central filter units can cover various welding stations simultaneously and are designed to operate continuously, ensuring a consistently clean environment.
Stationary extraction units for welding fume detection are ideal for workplaces with a fixed position in the production hall. For example, they are connected to extraction hoods, tables, and robot cells via pipelines. Wall-mounted extraction units with exhaust arms are particularly space-saving and therefore do not get in the way in welding booths. You have the choice between devices with disposable filters or automatic filter cleaning.
Extraction Hoods Say goodbye to fumes from welding robots with extraction hoods. These hoods are ideal for removing welding fumes generated by robots moving along a rail system, providing targeted extraction where it's needed most.
Kemper extraction arms are particularly flexible by their very nature. The smooth operation of the hood with just one hand allows the extraction arm to be brought into any desired position, where it permanently remains. KEMPER extraction arms capture welding fumes directly at the point of origin and can be connected to a central filter system via ducting systems. They are available in lengths of 2 to 10 meters. Our fans in industrial quality are suitable for various workplaces up to large installations with central fans for several workplaces.
Extraction Torches For immediate fume capture, extraction troches are your best bet. These devices capture fumes and particulates right as they are created, preventing them from spreading and affecting the workspace. Providing a unique solution for predominantly MIG welders where there are continuous wire welding processes taking place.
Many welders believe extraction torches are too heavy and hard to work with. Not removing as much smoke as expected, being too large to access the weld joint, and, in turn, creating a poor-quality weld. However, as times have moved on, many developments have taken place in the industry to create new technologies perfect for on-torch extraction.

PAPR welding helmets are a type of personal protective equipment (PPE) that can provide safe, filtered air to workers in a variety of industries. Ensuring safety within the workplace is an important and essential part of our industry. Using a PAPR system while welding is a must to increase protection against welding fumes and should be worn while welding, including welding mild steel.
By implementing these fume extraction solutions, welding businesses can significantly reduce exposure to welding fumes, creating a safer and healthier workplace. Not only does this enhance the well-being of employees, but it also leads to reduced sick leave, improved productivity, and minimised machinery downtime.
At Truflame, we can help you find the right solutions for your workplace with a complete consultation to find the right extraction unit for your welding applications. As well as providing demonstrations to show you the quality of our extraction units dependent on how much fume that's produced.
Don't compromise on safety when it comes to welding. Invest in proper fume extraction systems, safeguard your workers' health, and elevate the overall efficiency of your welding operations. Start prioritising a cleaner and safer work environment today!